Nottingham Rugby are delighted to announce that this years summer camp will run on two separate weeks across August! We are delighted to be able to offer two weeks of coaching for all youngsters! We hope we have picked a time where we can have as many different club, players, levels and ages all at The Bay over summer holidays!
Following the Easter and half term camps we would expect that this camp will sell out fast and there will be large numbers of attendees so don’t miss out and book on as soon as you can! We have released the tickets super early to try and ensure that no one misses out.
Across the camp your children will experience a wealth of different knowledge and skills from all of our different players and their positions. We will host skill masterclasses in all skills including kicking, tackling, rucking, scrumming and even strength and conditioning workshops across the two weeks! Its definitely not one to miss out on!
Visit our EventBrite page to book on now!